“I’m really pleased with our first steps on this journey. We all know that there are areas where the travel industry has work to do to become truly sustainable, but I think it sometimes gets a bit lost that the industry does do a lot of good, whether that be through the hundreds of millions of the people it employs all around the world, either directly or indirectly, to the redistribution of global wealth from richer places to poorer places." Niel Alobaidi, CEO
To travel responsibly and for good is to travel with care and consideration for not only the local people of the places that we visit, but also the planet.
Helping our customers explore close-to-come and far-flung corners of the world is a privilege – one that we don’t take lightly. And, with each tour, cruise, or event that we operate, we recognise our responsibility and the impact of our global footprint.
We’re well aware that travelling around the globe can have a negative impact on the planet, and as a company and industry, there’s a long way to go. However, as eager travellers ourselves, we want to venture forward with a conscientious mindset in our everyday lives and beyond while calling on our customers to do the same.
Our company’s mission is to enrich lives and improve wellbeing through travel. A big part of that is ‘Travel for Good’. Our ‘Travel for Good’ hub is our first step in a long journey to reduce carbon, offset anything we produce as a company and travel without harming the planet or the people of the destinations we go to.
For the future and the next generations of our families and friends, we want to work together and do our utmost to make a difference, leaving each destination untouched yet uplifted.
'Our Travel for Good' initiatives ensure that we only work with hotels and on-the-ground suppliers that adhere to our standards and comply with applicable, international and local laws and regulations.
Ongoing donations will support peatland restoration programmes for people, climate and nature.
We’re incredibly excited to have partnered with Just a Drop to have a real, tangible, and sustainable impact through the construction of a latrine block at a local school in Nicaragua, South America.
We all want to travel more responsibly but sometimes it's hard to know how to do just that. Here are some helpful tips for you to protect, empower and positively impact the people you meet and the destinations you meander around on your adventures.
Beyond the doors at Newmarket Holidays HQ, we’re constantly striving to improve and take positive steps towards bettering our sustainability and wellbeing efforts within the company.
Hear from our CEO, Niel Alobaidi, in a Q&A on responsibility and wellbeing in the travel industry. Niel shares his belief that travel has a significantly positive influence on society.
To understand and offset our carbon footprint with regard to our printed assets, we’ve partnered with the environmental consultant SaveMoneyCutCarbon, as well as the marketing communication provider, Media Group to support the World Land Trust conservation charity.
As we’re only at the beginning of our journey towards bettering our sustainability and wellbeing efforts, any ideas on what more we can do are always welcome.